Meryl and Ivy are on the mats and ready to do battle, but no fight is complete without a little pre-match trash talk. The ladies compare muscles and talk back and forth. Ivy is clearly the bigger girl, but Meryl calls her muscles fake. This obviously doesn’t sit well with Ivy and she decided to make an example out of Meryl. To say that Ivy beat the crap out of Meryl, would be quite the understatement, besides for a brief moment of offense in the opening minute, Meryl is completely dominated and for the majority of the match a complete and total ragdoll. Ivy uses her “fake” muscles to squeeze the life out of Meryl, almost immediately forcing Meryl to twitch and drool, and that’s even before Meryl is Ivy’s ragdoll. It doesn’t take much longer for Ivy to put Meryl down and from that point twitching, drooling and moaning in pain is all Meryl can do. Meryl manages to make things worse for herself by spiting in Ivy’s face during a brief moment of consciousness. Ivy is even more pissed now, putting Meryl back out and continuing to have her way with Meryl, putting her through hell, as well as trying to back to the world of the living, without much success, along the way. Finally, Ivy is bored of playing with her ragdoll, but locks on one more tight, twitching, drooling, sleeper hold to make sure Meryl stays out for a while. Hopefully Meryl will remember what happened and not make the same mistake again.
Sleeper holds
Lots of Tongue protrusion
Lots of Twitching
Lots of Drooling
Lots of Ragdolling
Face crushing
Head scissors
Body scissors
Full nelson
Bow and arrow
Side head lock
Arm bars
Boston crab
Cross face
Reverse bearhug
OTS carry
Belly punching
Clothing removal (topless)
Nipple torture
Camel clutch
Octopus lock